I. Academic Qualifications and Positions

  • 2021-         Research Director Institute for Business and Information Technology (IBIT), Fox School of Business, Temple University
  • 2019-    Assistant Professor Management Information Systems Department, Temple University, Philadelphia, PA
  • 2016-19    Assistant Professor Management Science and Information Systems Department, Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, OK
  • 2011-16    Ph.D. Sam M. Walton College of Business, University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, AR

II. Research

Research Interests

  • IT Entrepreneurship/Economics of IT Start-ups and CVCs
  • IS Strategy/Business Value of IT
  • (Text) Analytics of Unstructured Organizational Data

Published, Forthcoming, or Conditionally Accepted Articles

T. Havakhor, Golmohammadi, A., D. Gauri, R. Sabherwal. “Success by Talking the Walk: Impact of Sensegiving through Social Media on the Fundraising Success of Business-to-Business New Ventures,” (Conditionally Accepted) MIS Quarterly.

Duke, J., Havakhor, T., Mui, R., and Parker, O. “How Performance Failures, Successes, and Network Structure Influence Change in Venture Capital Investment Strategies” (forthcoming) Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice (listed in FT 50).

T. Havakhor, S. Sabherwal, R. Sabherwal, and Z.R. Steelman. “Evaluating Information Technology Investments: Does Following Executives’ Trades Help?” (forthcoming) MIS Quarterly

A. Golmohammadi, T. Havakhor, D. Gauri, J. Comprix. “Complaint Publicity on Social Media: When Firm Responses to Complaints Harm Firm Value” (forthcoming) Journal of Marketing.

Golmohammadi, T. Havakhor, D. Gauri, J. Comprix. “Why You Shouldn’t Engage with Customer Complaints on Twitter” (2021) Harvard Business Review, Online Edition.

T. Havakhor, R. Sabherwal, Z.R. Steelman, S. Sabherwal. “Relationships Between Information Technology and Other Investments: A Contingent Interaction Model,” (2019) Information Systems Research, 30(1): 204-218.

Z.R. Steelman, T. Havakhor, R. Sabherwal, S. Sabherwal. “Performance Consequences of Information Technology Investments: Implications of Emphasizing New or Current Information Technologies,” (2019) Information Systems Research, 30(1): 291-305.

R. Sabherwal, S. Sabherwal, T. Havakhor, Z.R. Steelman. “How Does Strategic Alignment Affect Firm Performance? The Roles of Information Technology Investment and Environmental Uncertainty,” (2019) MIS Quarterly, 43(2): 453-474.

T. Havakhor, R. Sabherwal. “Team Processes in Virtual Knowledge Teams: The Effects of Reputation Signals and Network Density,” (2018) Journal of MIS, 35(1): 266-318.

T. Havakhor, A. A. Soror, R. Sabherwal. “Diffusion of Knowledge in Social Media Networks: Effects of Reputation Mechanisms and Distribution of Knowledge Roles,” (2018) Information Systems Journal, 28(1): 104-141.

Journal Manuscripts in the Review Process (in More Advanced Rounds)

T. Havakhor, M.S. Rahman, P. Setia. “IT Centralization and Cross-Unit IT Synergies: A Leveraged-Control Perspective,” major revision from MIS Quarterly (under 2nd round review).

T. Havakhor, Rahman, M., Zhang, TJ., “Cybersecurity Investments and the Cost of Capital” major revision from Management Science (in preparation for a 2nd round review).

T. Havakhor, Rahman, M., Zhang, TJ., Zhu C. “Not Knowing What to Do with or without Machine Intelligence: Evidence from a Natural Experiment Involving Retail Investors” reject and submit  from Management Science (in preparation for a 2nd round review).

Duke, J., Havakhor, T., Mui, R., and Parker, O. “How Performance Failures, Successes, and Network Structure Influence Change in Venture Capital Investment Strategies” major revision from Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice (in preparation for a 2nd round review; listed in FT 50).

*Names of supervised students are in italics

Proceedings Publications and Presentations

T. Havakhor, Zhang, TJ., Zhu, C. (December 2020) “Digitization Diffusion along the Supply Chain” International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS) [Completed research paper; Winner of the track’s best paper award]

T. Havakhor, Zhang, TJ., Zhu, C. (2020) “Digitization Diffusion along the Supply Chain” POMS Annual conference.

T. Havakhor, Rahman, M., Zhang, TJ., Zhu, C. (2020) “Big Data and Noise Trading: Evidence from a Natural Experiment” Statistical Challenges in Electronic Commerce Research (SCECR), June 2020.

T. Havakhor, Rahman, M., Zhang, TJ., Zhu, C. (2019) “Not Knowing What to Do with or without Machine Intelligence: Evidence from a Natural Experiment Involving Retail Investors” Conference on Information Systems and Technology (CIST), Seattle, WA.

T. Havakhor, Rahman, M., Zhang, TJ., Zhu, C. (2019) “Not Knowing What to Do with or without Machine Intelligence: Evidence from a Natural Experiment Involving Retail Investors” Workshop on Information Systems Economics (WISE), Munich, Germany.

T. Havakhor, Rahman, M. (2019) “Not-so-Dumb Money: Beating the Competition with Talent Acquisition through Corporate Venture Capital Investments” Conference on Information Systems and Technology (CIST), Seattle, WA.

T. Havakhor, Zhang, TJ., Biros, David. (to be presented in December 2019) “Does Cybersecurity Slow Down Digitization? A Quasi-Experiment of Security Breach Notification Laws” International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS), Munich, Germany. [Completed research paper]

Duke, J., Havakhor, T. (June 2018). “To Dance with Strangers One Needs a Good Wingman: How Existing Ties Enable Search for New Partners” Babson College Entrepreneurship Research Conference (BCERC), Waterford, Ireland. (Premier entrepreneurship conference)

Duke, J., Mui, R., Havakhor, T. (June 2018). “How Performance Failures, Successes, And Network Structure Influence Change In Venture Capital Investment Strategies” Babson College Entrepreneurship Research Conference (BCERC), Waterford, Ireland. (Premier entrepreneurship conference)

Duke, J., Havakhor, T., & Mui, R. (August2018). The Role of Network Position and Structure in Determining Attainment Discrepancy Attentiveness. Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Chicago, IL.

Havakhor, T., Zhang, T., Hammer, Bryan. (August 2018). “The Business Value of Engaging in Counter-Breach Initiatives” Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS), New Orleans, La.

Duke, J., Havakhor, T., Mui, R., & Parker, O. (2018). Status Centrality and Structural Holes as Drivers of Aspiration Salience. Accepted and *nominated for the best conference paper award at the 2018 Strategic Management Society’s 38th Annual Conference, Paris, France. (Premier strategic management conference)

Havakhor, T., P. Setia, and M.S. Rahman. 2016. “Decentralization of IT Governance” Conference on Information Systems and Technology (CIST), November, Nashville, TN.

Havakhor, T., A.A. Soror, R. Sabherwal. 2014. “Contingent Role of Knowledge Self-Efficacy Distribution on Diffusion of Knowledge in Peer-To-Peer Networks: An Agent-Based Approach,” Proceedings of Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS), August, Savannah, GA.

Havakhor, T., R. Sabherwal, S. Sabherwal, Z.R. Steelman. 2014. “Business Value of Information Technology under Different Environmental Conditions: A Resource-Complementarity Perspective,” Big XII+ Symposium, April, Norman, OK.

Havakhor, T., P. Setia, and M.S. Rahman. 2013. “Impact of Technology Clusters on Centralization of IT Governance,” INFORMS Annual Meeting, October, Minneapolis, MN.

Havakhor, T., R. Sabherwal. 2013. “Knowledge Sharing inPeer-to-Peer Online Communities: The Effects of Recommendation Agents andCommunity Characteristics,” Proceedings of Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS),January, Wailea, HI.

III. Teaching at University of Arkansas and Oklahoma State University

SemesterRoleCourse TaughtEval.
Fall 2011Teaching AssistantSystems Analysis and Design (ISYS 3293)N/A
Fall 2012InstructorIntroduction to Information Systems (ISYS 2263) 3.87
Summer 2014InstructorIntroduction to Information Systems (ISYS 2263)4.96
Spring 2015InstructorSeminar in ERP Development (ISYS 4233): Business Warehousing (SAP BW), OLAP Object Development, SAP Analytics Platforms (SAP Hana, SAP Lumira)4.67
Fall 2015InstructorSeminar in ERP Development (ISYS 4233)4.60
Spring 2016InstructorBusiness Intelligence (ISYS 4293): Predictive and Descriptive Analytics (SAS), Web Crawling (Python), Text Mining (R)4.70
Fall 2016InstructorAdvanced Application Development (MSIS4363): Android Development, Scripting, NoSQL and Advanced Databases, Hadoop/Map reduce calls from Mobile Devices 4.33; 4.02
Spring 2017InstructorAdvanced Application Development (MSIS4363)4.64**; 4.54; 4.48 
Fall 2017InstructorAdvanced Application Development (MSIS4363)4.62; 4.27
Spring 2018InstructorAdvanced Application Development (MSIS4363)4.88; 4.57
Spring 2018InstructorDoctoral Seminar in IS Strategy (MSIS6333)4.57
Fall 2019InstructorData-Centric Application Development4.30
Spring 2020InstructorData-Centric Application Development4.60

*Evaluation scores are out of 5; **Graduate Section.

IV. Service

Editorial Roles

  • Associate Editor, Decision Sciences, 2020-present.
  • Editorial Review Board Member at IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, 2017-present.
  • Associate Editor, International Conference on Information Systems, 2020.

Reviewing Roles

  • Ad-hoc Reviewer at MIS Quarterly, 2018-present.
  • Ad-hoc Reviewer at Information Systems Research, 2017-present.
  • Ad-hoc Reviewer at Journal of Association for Information Systems, 2017-present.
  • Ad-hoc Reviewer at Journal of MIS, 2017-present.
  • Ad-hoc Reviewer at Information & Management, 2014-present.
  • Ad-hoc Reviewer at Communications of ACM, 2017.
  • Ad-hoc Reviewer at Journal of Organizational Computing and Service Innovation, 2017.
  • Ad-hoc Reviewer at International Conference on Information Systems, 2012-2018.
  • Ad-hoc Reviewer at Americas Conference on Information Systems, 2014-2018.
  • Ad-hoc Reviewer at Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, 2013, 2017.
  • Ad-hoc Reviewer at European Conference on Information Systems, 2015.

Leadership and Service Roles

  • Merit Committee, Chair, 2020- , MIS Department, Temple University.
  • Merit Committee, Member, 2019 , MIS Department, Temple University.
  • Ph.D. Committee, Member, 2020- , MIS Department, Temple University.
  • MIS Awards Committee,Member, 2019 , MIS Department, Temple University.
  • Research Committee Member, 2018-2019, Oklahoma State University.
  • External Outreach Committee Member, 2018-19, Oklahoma State University.
  • Application Development Curriculum Design Committee Member, 2018-2019, Oklahoma State University.
  • Ph.D. Committee Member, 2019-present, Oklahoma State University.
  • Big XII+ MIS Research Symposium, co-chair, hosted at Oklahoma State University, 2018.
  • Big XII+ Symposium MIS Research, coordinator for Oklahoma State University, 2017.
  • Instructor and participant at Information Systems Technology Exploration (ISyTE) for High School Students, 2017-present, Oklahoma State University.

V. Honors and Awards

  • Best Associate Editor Award (2020): International Conference on Information Systems.
  • Best Paper in Track Award (2020): International Conference on Information Systems.
  • Richard W. Poole Research Excellence Award (2018): Spears School of Business, Oklahoma State University
  • Honorable Mention for Excellence in Reviewing (2018): Recognized by Journal of the Association for Information Systems
  • Larry T. Wilson Doctoral Fellowship (2014-2015): Sam M. Walton College of Business, University of Arkansas (awarded annually to a high achieving fourth-year doctoral student in the Walton College of Business).
  • Doctoral Academy Fellowship (2011-2014): Sam M. Walton College of Business, University of Arkansas

VI. Professional Affiliations

  • Member, Association for Information Systems (AIS), 2011-present.
  • Member, The Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences (INFORMS), 2011-present